The SBGLADEOBJ.BGL is the scenery objects file and should always be used with either RS.BGL file. The SBGLADERS.BGL version is the same as the default rwy operation. The SBGLADECWRS.BGL version is with the Xwind rwy activated and in full operation.

There are 3 BGL files: SBGLADERS.BGL, SBGLADECWRS.BGL and an SBGLADEOBJ.BGL file. This airport was designed with the latest version of ADE (v1.47) and made only for the FSX default airport: one file with the Crosswind rwy operating, now activated by ADE where both rwy's will be used for takeoff/landing and one file as the default rwy operation: assigned parking with extra parking, the hold short problem at 10/28 is now fixed and the missing taxisigns at rwy 10/28 now added, extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other improvements, airport views are from the roof of control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation.